Jyoti Education Care is committed and dedicated in improving and distributing innovative educational concepts for the Brain and Skill development of Children. Our Objective is to enable students to perform addition, subtraction, division and multiplication mentally with accuracy and without using the paper, pen and any electronic device. This help student in get rid of mathematical fear and boost academic performance. So, in order to offer an easier way to calculate, we encourage the two different ancient methods of ABACUS and VEDIC MATHS.
Benefits of Abacus
· It sharpens the brain and increase memory power.
· Improve focus, creativity and builds self confidence in a child.
· Improvement in other subjects too.
· It exercises the brain to tackle other problems.
Benefits of Vedic Math
· Faster calculation and solve sums 10 time faster compared to normal method.
· Students are able to provide one line answer and brilliant results.
· Increase creativity and confidence.
· To remove fear of Math's.
· Develop power to visualize and memorize.
· Quality of education will increase.
Thus, the inclusion of Abacus and Math can work wonder in your child's mental development.